Another major drawback is that the boy and the girl don’t get to know their future spouses before marriage. In arranged marriages, knowing your life partner is not given as much significance as partners’ approval. Two unknown people tie the knot without knowing, meeting and understanding each other. Just as every coin has two sides, so does the arranged marriage: it is both a boon and a bane. There is also a different positive side to arranged marriages, as there are parents who love their children and are concerned about their life and take the consent of their children when they decide their marriage. Arranged marriages are successful only when the parents don’t force their children to marry whom they don’t want to marry. In a marriage there should be mutual consent and understanding from both sides than only a marriage can sustain. A successful arranged marriage happens when the parents support and help their children to find their respective spouses as per their desires and likings. One cannot deny the fact that arranged marriages have some ill effects on the society like it is partial to a particular religion, caste and a race. It is somehow not healthy when parents take over their children’s wishes and desires in choosing their life partner. It is definitely wonderful when children are given the right to make a decision themselves on their marriage and also there should be proper arrangements for the first time—it is for the would-be husband and wife to meet and to understand each other. This is also called a period of courtship when both of them decide to date and decide to get married.
Whether in a love marriage or an arranged marriage, what is the most important is the fact that a relationship cannot grow if there is no mutual consent and understanding from both the parties. Be it a love or arranged marriage, people look for the perfect life partner. But nobody is perfect on this earth. If we understand the other person thoroughly, the way he or she is, only then can we live a happily married life irrespective of love or arrange, because the real success of marriage lies in love, respect, concern, empathy, and loyalty for each other.